What will happen if i purchase a counterfeit watch or clock?
Counterfeit watches and clocks cannot be repaired if you bring them to JCWA member watch/clock manufacturers.
It is illegal to bring a counterfeit watch or clock that you have purchased abroad into Japan according to Article 69-11 of the Customs Law. Since counterfeit watches and clocks are regarded as Goods with Prohibitions in the same manner as narcotic drugs and guns, they will be seized if they are found during a customs inspection. You may be prosecuted by law if you knowingly import a counterfeit product (Article 109 paragraph 2 of the Customs Law stipulates that those who import any article which infringes upon intellectual property rights shall be sentenced to imprisonment of up to 10 years and/or fined up to 10 million yen. Purchasing a counterfeit watch or clock results in loss if it is seized by customs officials. Moreover, you will suffer greater losses if you are prosecuted by law.